We strongly support all ladies and believe all ladies are beautifully externally and internally.
Looks are just the surface. What we are concern about is the underlying health issues of someone who is bit overweight.
Overweight issues can occur to girls and ladies at any stage in their life. We are concerned about their feelings, their esteems, peer pressure they face and sincerely would like to provide the guidance and advice for effective weight and fat loss management, to assist clients in achieving their ideal body weight, through a comprehensive and easy workout regime, sensible and balanced diet guidelines as well as other aspects with more in-depth consultation with the client. We provide one-to-one coaching session to help and motivate our female clients positively. We want them to regain their confidence not just physically but also mentally. Little baby steps at a time to change their lifestyle habits and get fitter and stronger. It is not an overnight journey but takes time to see changes and perseverance plus strong will to change right from the mindset.

The risks of being overweight is more health-related rather just physical looks. Health and wellness are our main concerns. You can kickstart your workout regime safely and peacefully with us at any age group. We cater to girls from 12 year old onwards, from onset of puberty.
Besides being hereditary, it is important to know since a young age with proper education that being underweight or overweight has its health impact in future at any stage of life as well.
Whatever your age, whether you are in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and above, we are here to support you to transform your body healthily.
Being overweight can lead to the following health concerns:
- Fatty organs
- High blood pressure
- Type 2 diabetes
- Heart problems
- Stroke
- Acne
- Sleep apnea and breathing problems
- Body pains such as impact on knees and ankle joints
- Anxiety and depression, etc.
We are here to help girls and ladies facing these issues in our all-female environment with exclusivity and privacy so you can workout in total peace of mind.
Contact us now for a free consultation and book a trial session!